
鏃跺厜涔嬭疆 The Great Hunt_180

but brushing the parchment, but he could find no flaw in the one, and for the other, he had no idea what Galldrian's hand looked like. If it was not the King himself who had signed it, he suspected that whoever had had made a good imitation of Galldrian's scrawl. In any case, it made no real difference. In Tear, the letter would be instantly damning in the hands of an Illianer. Or in Mayene, with Taren influence so strong. There was no war now, and men from either port came and went freely, but there was as little love for Illianers in Tear as the other way round,http://www.rolexsubmarinerreplica.info/. Especially with an excuse like this.
For a moment he thought of putting the parchment into the lantern's flame it was a dangerous thing to have, in Tear or Illian or anywhere he could imagine-but finally he tucked it carefully into a secret cubbyhole behind his desk, concealed by a panel only he knew how to open.
"My possessions, eh?"
He collected old things, as much as he could living on shipboard. What he could not buy, because it was too expensive or too large, he collected by seeing and remembering. All those remnants of times gone, those wonders scattered around the world that had first pulled him aboard a ship as boy,rolex submariner replica. He had added four to his collection in Maradon this last trip, and it had been then that the Darkfriend pursuit began. And Trollocs,imitation rolex watches, too, for a time. He had heard that Whitebridge had been burned to the ground right after he sailed from there, and there had been rumors of Myrddraal as well as Trollocs. It was that, all of it together, that had first convinced him he was not imagining things, that had had him on guard when that first odd commission was offered, too much money for a simple voyage to Tear, and a thin tale for a reason.
Digging into his chest, he set out on the desk what he had bought in Maradon. A lightstick, left from the Age of Legends,montblanc ballpoint pen, or so it was said. Certainly no one knew the making of them any longer. Expensive, that, and rarer than an honest magistrate. It looked like a plain glass rod, thicker than his th

